Ivan Krypiakevych, His Familly History, Research, and Public Life

Ivan Krypiakevych, His Familly History, Research, and Public Life. Edited by Iaroslav Isaievych, compiled by Feodosii Steblii. Lviv: I.Krypiakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2001 (Ukraine: Cul-tural Heritage, National Identity, Statehood, vol. 8). - 960 p., 32 p. ill.

This special issue of Ukraina: kul'turna spadshchyna, natsianalna svidomist', derzhavnist' is devoted to the Ukrainian historian Ivan Krypiakevych a member of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, then Academy of Sciences of a Ukrainian SSR (1886-1967). 

The volume includes his autobiography, a listing of his published works, a selection of his articles, documents, letters, and memoirs about him. Materials on academic and social activities of his father Petro Franz (1857-1914) and his sons Petro Bohdan (1923-1999) and Roman (1925-1980) are also provided.

This publication was made possible by the Ukrainian Studies Fund, Inc., an US educational non-profit charity for the advancement of Ukrainian studies.

ISBN 966-02-2209-2

See also:

Ukraine: Cultural Heritage, National Identity, Statehood. Volume 24
Ukraine: Cultural Heritage, National Identity, Statehood. Volume 24
Ukraine: Cultural Heritage, National Identity, Statehood. Volume 24