Ukraine: Cultural Heritage, National Identity, Statehood. Volume 9

Ukraine: Cultural Heritage, National Identity, Statehood. - Volume 9: Festschrift in Honor of Feodosii Steblii / National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ivan Krypiakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies. Edited by Olena Arkusha, compiled by Ostap Sereda and Olena Arkusha. - Lviv, 2001.

This special issue of Ukraina: kul'turna spadshchyna, natsional'na svidomist', derzhavnist is published as a Festschrift in honor of the seventieth birthday of Feodosii Steblii, the Head of the Department of Modern Ukrainian History of the Ivan Krypiakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine), by his colleagues and students. 

Most of these essays are devoted to the political, social and cultural history of Ukraine from the end of the 18th to the beginning of the 20th centuries, a period that has been the focus of Feodosii Steblii's scholarly interests.

ISBN 966-02-2209-2

See also:

Ukraine: Cultural Heritage, National Identity, Statehood. Volume 24
Ukraine: Cultural Heritage, National Identity, Statehood. Volume 24
Ukraine: Cultural Heritage, National Identity, Statehood. Volume 24