Bibliography of the publications of research fellows, 2001–2010

Ivan Krypiakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Bibliography of the publications of research fellows, 2001–2010 / Ivan Krypiakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine / Edited by M.Lytvyn, compilers by O.Rak, M.Cheban. –Lviv, 2011. – 432 p.

Includes bibliographical descriptions of the monographs, brochures, resumes of candidate and doctoral theses, articles, paper, summaries, reviews, translations and editorial works of the fellows of Ivan Krypiakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies. They reflect the scholarty work of this institute in 2001–2010.

Editorial board:

- Mykola Lytvyn (chief editor),
- Oleh Pikh (assistant editor),
- Oksana Rak, Maryna Cheban (compilers),
- Volodymyr Petehyrych

ISBN 978-966-02-5944-7

Bibliography of the publications of research fellows, 2001–2010 in Pdf

See also:

2015 Annual Review
2015 Annual Review
2014 Annual Review